Phantasia-10 (Poppy)
2002 Registered Westphalian Mare

Phantasia-10, known familiarly as “Poppy,” was born in January, 2002. Standing 16.1 hands, Poppy is an elegant Westphalian bay mare with superior movement and confirmation. Bred by highly respected German equine breeder Friederike Peters, Phantasia-10’s bloodlines are exceptional. Her sire is Popocat, her dam, Weltania.
More significantly Poppy’s dam sire is Wie Weltmeyer. In the 2004 Olympics, Wie Weltmeyer competed for Great Britain, ridden by three-time Olympic rider Emma Hindle. Wie Weltmeyer produced another Olympic contender, Wie Atlantico de Ymas, ridden by Juan Matute representing Spain’s 2008 Olympic team.
And Poppy’s dam grandsire is the legendary Weltmeyer, renowned not only as a prolific breeder, but as a producer of exceptional foals from a wide variety of mares. In 2010, for example, Weltmeyer sired more USEF grand prix dressage performers than any other stallion.
Among Phantasia-10’s accomplishments: in 2006, then known as Pop Art, she was the top selling horse in the 2006 NRW Sommer Auktion Handorf Extra, in Münster-Handorf, Westphalia, Germany.
Phantasia-10 has produced three wonderful foals:
- 2013 registered Westphalian colt, Rêve, by Royal Prince (Hauptstutbuch Piri Piri x Rohdiamant x Prince Thatch)
- 2014 registered Westphalian filly, Sashay, by Sir Gregory (Elite-St. Hauptstutbuch Premiere x Don Gregory x Donnerhall)
- 2017 Registered Westphalian colt, Maksamilian by Morricone (Millenium x Verb.Pr. St. Stutbuch 1 Hartima x Rubin-Royal)
These pairings with Phantasia-10 have produced foals with superb temperament, movement, and conformation.
Pedigree Information
Name: Phantasia-10
Sex: Mare
Color: Brown
Date of Birth: January 21, 2002
Breed: Westphalian
Studbook (Stutbuch) Registrations: Stutbuch I Westfalischen Pferdestammbuches e.V.; Main Studbook of the American Hanoverian Society
Breeder: Friederike Peters
Brand Number: 96
Microchip: Yes
Sire: Pr.H. Popocat
Dam: Stutbuch 1 Weltania
- Sire: Pr.H. Popocat
- Grandsire: Prinz Wilhelm
- Great Grandsire: Prinz SegelhorstGreat Grandam: Verb.Pr.St. Hauptstutbuch AcadeGrandam: St.Pr.St. Hauptstutbuch Pasadena
- Great Grandsire: Pinocchio
- Great Grandam: Verb.Pr.St. Hauptstutbuch Patricia
Dam: Stutbuch 1 Weltania- Grandsire: Wie Weltmeyer
- Great Grandsire: Weltmeyer
- Great Grandam: St.Pr.St. Hauptstutbuch Daisy
- Grandam: St.Pr.St. Hauptstutbuch Gardenia
- Great Grandsire: Glueckspilz
- Great Grandam: Hauptstutbuch Famous